Avi - 15

Avi, 15

Media Consumption: 3 hours a day

Favorite Media/Technology: Messenger

How do you and your family interact with media/technology?

My parents and I mainly use media and technology to keep in touch with each other. When there is something we need to ask each other or get in touch for some reason, we use our phones as a means to reach each other. We rarely set a time to get together for a movie night or to watch TV shows.

How do you and your peers interact with media/technology?

My friends and I mainly use media and technology to talk while at home and see what each other are up to. I don’t spend much time on social, but some of my friends spend more time than they should on Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. We don’t really play games online or anything since we prefer to hang out in person and play basketball.

What do you use media for?

My use of media is mainly to stay connected with family and friends. I like to keep in touch and engage with friends when at home instead of scrolling through social media. I also like to use media to find out the cool things my friends are doing or to find some interesting experiment videos on YouTube.

What is your favorite/least favorite thing about media/technology?

My favorite thing about media and technology is that it lets me stay connected to my friends and see what they are up to, even when I am at home. It is a great way to stay in touch and to make plans with friends on days that we would not normally see each other. My least favorite thing about media and technology is how everything is about trying to impress other people. People will post things of them being happy and having a good time, but they hide their real feelings so others don’t see what they are really going through.

Interviewed By:

Aaron Dan

UCLA 4th year Student


Elise - 16


Parsa, 16