About Us

Changing the Narrative about — and with —Adolescents

A 501c(3) nonprofit working out of UCLA, the Center for Scholars & Storytellers is the only youth-centered organization that bridges the gap between psychology research and media creation to help young people thrive.

Who We Are

Our Mission

The Center for Scholars & Storytellers (CSS) at UCLA connects entertainment and academia to build a research-informed community of storytellers supporting the well-being of kids, teens and young adults.

Our Values

  1. Diverse & Inclusive

    Representation matters. When we celebrate, appreciate and include many different voices, we all benefit.

  2. Curious & Data-Driven

    All of our work is grounded in the science — we check our biases at the door and let the numbers do the talking, which also means we approach our work with open minds and humble spirits.

  3. Collaborative & Innovative

    It takes all of us to build the world we want to see. That’s why we’re building bridges across industries and generations to create bigger and more positive impact.

  4. Honest & Optimistic

    We are both realistic about the safety risks posed by current digital landscape as well as hopeful about the many possibilities it holds for positive impact.

Our Vision

CSS envisions a more joyful, empathetic, and accepting world, where all media uplifts and positively impacts young people, fostering growth and inclusivity while reducing harmful stereotypes.

Our Approach

Youth Empowerment

Young people deserve a seat at the table. Through our Youth Media Representation (YMR) program, internship opportunities, and more, we’re uplifting youth voices and training the next generation of leaders.

Industry Resources

We offer workshops, screenings, script consultations, tip sheets, toolkits and a variety of other industry resources for entertainment professionals, content creators, and storytellers looking to make a positive impact through their work.

Original Research

At our heart, we’re a learning organization that cares deeply about being evidence-based. We regularly perform original research to understand how we can best support young people through media.

Cross-Sector Events

Through cutting-edge think tanks, an annual summit, and other innovative events, we’re connecting the brightest public health researchers, most talented entertainment industry professionals, and passionate youth voices to work together on some of the most pressing issues of our time.

Our Story

Dr. Yalda T. Uhls spent almost two decades working in the entertainment industry at the senior executive level when, after having kids, she decided to go back to school and get her PhD in developmental psychology at UCLA.

After completing her doctorate program, she had a revelation: people’s brains are more formidable during adolescence than any other time in their lives, and the place young people spend most of their time in the modern era is in front of screens consuming media — whether that’s by watching TV, playing video games, scrolling through social media, or participating in other online activities. She realized that entertainment industry professionals have a real opportunity to help young people through the stories they tell and the content they create. But many of them aren’t familiar with the research to understand how.

Armed with her vast experience and connections in both the worlds of entertainment and academia, Dr. Yalda T. Uhls founded the Center for Scholars & Storytellers (CSS) in 2019 to bridge the gap and meet this critical need. Since then, CSS has consulted with some of the biggest names in Hollywood to help their storylines, entertainment programming and digital content have a positive impact on the lives of kids, teens and young adults everywhere.

Our Focus

Mental Health

The U.S. Surgeon General has called the increase in youth mental health needs “the defining public health crisis of our time.” Recent stats highlight the urgency:

  • 50% of all lifetime mental illness begins by age 14 (and 75% by age 24)

  • The average delay between symptom onset of a mental health condition and treatment is 11 years;

  • 1 in 5 young people report that the pandemic had a significant negative impact on their mental health;

  • And suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among people aged 10-14 and the 3rd leading cause of death among those aged 15-24 in the U.S.

By equipping industry professionals with the research and information they need to share resources and stories of hope in the media, we’re addressing the youth mental health crisis by meeting kids, teens and young adults where they’re at: on screens.

Authentic Inclusive Representation (AIR)

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility

Film, music, TV, and other forms of entertainment deeply impact people’s perceptions of others, themselves, and the world around them — especially during adolescence (defined in research now as ages 10-24 years old). That’s why we’re giving storytellers the tools they need to break stereotypes and structural disadvantages faced by members of marginalized identity groups. Through the power of narrative change, we’re building a better world for today’s young people, who are more racially and ethnically diverse than any previous generation.

Through original research, we’ve shown how Authentically Inclusive Representation (AIR) on screen is good for youth development, it’s good for society, and it’s good for business.

Our first report launched in Fall 2020 showed that large-budget films lost up to $32M opening weekend when they lacked AIR. Our follow-up report released in Spring 2022 in partnership with CAA confirmed these findings.

Work With Us

Join the Team

Join our staff, inquire about internships, apply to the YMR program, or become a research collaborator or member of our advisory council.

Use our services

Reach out to us if you’d like us to host a workshop for your organization, provide expert feedback on your project, collaborate with you on research, or partner other ways.

