Ethan - 2
Media Consumption: No more than 30 minutes a day Monday-Thursday, with longer movie nights Fridays/about 10 hours at most a week
Favorite Media/Technology: TV, with music in second place
How do you and your family interact with media/technology?
He FaceTimes his mom when she travels for work. It’s not very often, once or twice a year. We’re both engineers, so technology is kinda what we do all day long. I try not to have my phone out around him, but we do have movie nights on Fridays. After a long day at work and daycare, it’s nice to just hang out all three of us and watch something, usually Disney movies.
How do you and your peers interact with media/technology?
He doesn’t have any peers, he interacts with other kids at daycare but they only listen to music. There is no TV there. If he goes on a playdate, they like to play with toys and stomp in mud puddles, not watch media.
What do you use media for?
Just entertainment. I’m not convinced when he’s watching TV that he’s learning anything, so it’s whatever he wants. We let him pick what to watch or see what music he likes. He loves to watch trash trucks on YouTube, and Bollywood dance music videos. He has shown a lot of interest in typing on my laptop. Like a kinder-hacker.
What is your favorite/least favorite thing about media/technology?
He loves TV, Netflix, Amazon Kids. He also likes to listen to music or episodes of his shows where they sing and dance and sing to it, interact with the dance videos. He likes the power of it. His least favorite thing is seeing things that are dark or scary in what he watches. He doesn’t like that, he gets scared and doesn’t understand it isn’t real.
Interviewed By: Spencer Beck, UCLA 3rd Year Student