Pedro, 12

Media Consumption: Hulu, everyday, YouTube 1x a week, Xbox every Weekend (8hours), YouTube on iPhone during car rides, 2 hours a week, Alexa listening to music every day, Laptop for school everyday, and Apple Watch for messaging, everyday.
Favorite Media/Technology:
Xbox (Apex and Fortnite games), because you get to play with friends and it’s fun.


How do you and your family interact with media/technology?

We interact through texting. I text my family when something happens like, I text my mom when I’m coming home and we also watch movies and TV shows together.

How do you and your peers interact with media/technology?

We text each other about stuff that happens in school and funny things like memes. We chat and play [video games] together.

What do you use media for?

I use media for video games , soccer, questions I want to be answered, funny memes, roasts, crazy expensive things online that I like to look at, to see what video games are the best, I text my friends to see if they can play outside, to see what they are doing and if they want to play xbox, I see the weather

What is your favorite/least favorite thing about media/technology?

My favorite thing about media is the variety to it, the internet gives a lot of options and you can do a lot of things on it and at once too. My least favorite thing are the cyberbullies on the Internet, when I go to the YouTube video comments I see cyberbullies making mean comments.

What is one thing you want the people who create the media you like to watch/play/interact with to know?

Stop doing 3 minute sponsors in the beginning, announcing sponsors on YouTube and stop finding ways to place ads in the middle of videos, too many ads. Don’t do not necessary talking in video games, the people talk all about their lives. Do a reset for video games to reset it for season 1. Instead of updating the game they create a new version which cost like 100$.

What media are you using more now because of the COVID-19 pandemic?

It’s back to the same now, during quarantine it was different. I was watching a lot more YouTube during Zoom meetings, which I got in trouble for while doing online school during pandemic.

Where do you get most of your information to learn more about changes during the COVID-19 pandemic (e.g., news, internet, parents, etc.)?

My parents give me info about the COVID-19 pandemic.

What media has been helping you stay busy/stay calm during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Memes help me stay calm because they make me laugh, video games help me focus on something else.

What lessons have you learned from the COVID-19 pandemic?

Toilet paper is precious, and that people on the internet lie. My dad was watching the news and people were saying how the pandemic is government planned. 

Have you learned anything about how you use media and technology because of the COVID-19 pandemic?

I use media a lot, because I resort to it when I’m bored, I like one genre of entertainment, which is comedy and action adventure, and on YouTube just comedy.

Interviewed by: Paloma Pfeiffer, UCLA Student


Sarvin, 14


Greggy, 9