What is Youth Media REPresentation? 

The CSS Youth Media REPresentation (YMR) Program is focused on amplifying youth voices at the intersection of scientific research and the entertainment industry to promote inclusive and authentic representation. We provide training to empower youth to share their voice with content creators through Research, Expression, and Public engagement. The purpose of this virtual academic year program is to provide opportunities for CSS’ youth to shape media by conducting research among their peers, sharing their own perspectives, and communicating their insights to the people who create stories for and about youth.

Our application cycle is currently closed. If you'd like to stay updated on when our application cycle opens next, please fill out our interest form below.

The CSS Youth Media REPresentation program is committed to reflecting the diversity of youth perspectives. ALL youth voices are welcome here. If you have questions, contact stephanie@scholarsandstorytellers.com.

Meet the Team

Why Join YMR?

Hear from our teens!

Summer 2023 YMR Research Projects

Social Media & Drug Prevention

How does social media contribute negatively or positively in promoting drug use prevention education to youth ages 12-24?

Sophie & Montserrat

The Impact of Beauty Advertisements in Social Media on Teen Body Image

How do mainstream beauty standards in social media and film/shows affect teens (13-18) body image?

Aspasia, David & Ella

TikTok Has Its Positives; Here’s How to Utilize Them

How does the amount of time of time spent on TikTok per day correlate with teens' (ages 13-18) attention span based on the Attention Control Scale (ATTC)?

Joel, Remy & Sofia R.

Manic Pixie Dream Girls’ Impact on Teen Mental Health

How does the MPDG archetype in media affect the perception of youths' (ages 12-21) MH experiences?

Jasmine, Lucy & Sofia H.

How Teens Perceive Characters In Films

How does physical appearance impact the way teens, ages 13-17 perceive the characteristics of characters in film?

Emma, Manuel, Sarina & Yashvi

Mental Health Spotify Playlist

The YMR team put together this playlist featuring some of their favorite songs that encapsulate various mental health experiences. Click on the player below to listen.

Past Work