2021, adolescence Sahar Shirbacheh 2021, adolescence Sahar Shirbacheh

Samantha, 20

Media Consumption: about 5 hours per day

Favorite Media/Technology: Netflix, YouTube, Instagram

How do you and your family interact with media/technology?

I live apart from my parents so we call and text a lot to keep up. We also like to watch Netflix as a family and my brother and I share memes and other videos over social media.

How do you and your peers interact with media/technology?

We keep up through text, Facebook messenger, and DMs. We also have movie nights and watch many streaming platforms together. We definitely live on our phones and interact through them, sharing updates about our lives or content we are passionate about.

What do you use media for?

Most often I use it for entertainment purposes as well as to educate myself on current events, but I try not to use it too much for getting information. I also use Instagram and Snapchat to share content with others and see what they are up to.

What is your favorite/least favorite thing about media/technology?

My favorite thing is that it can connect you to a host of different people pretty easily. It allows me to keep up with relationships as well as see other people’s perspectives on various platforms that I wouldn’t otherwise be exposed to. On the other hand, various forms of media can be incredibly toxic and promote a certain body image standard. It can also act as an echo chamber and only accept one opinion and if you are not within that, you can be ostracized and become prey to the “cancel culture.”

What is one thing you want the people who create the media you like to watch/play/interact with to know?

While this may be a contested point of view, some media creators could employ more censorship on their platforms so we can minimize incidents like the January 6th riots. Media creators have a right and responsibility to excise extremist groups who promote violence and facilitate terrorist ideologies. While Twitter and Facebook have begun to do so, this took a lot of public pressure and needs to continue.

What media are you using more now because of the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

Messaging platforms because I can’t see my friends, and other social media sites to stay in contact.

Where do you get most of your information to learn more about the coronavirus (e.g., news, internet, parents, etc.)?

I don’t keep too up-to-date with COVID-related things because it has become exhausting for me. I occasionally get news through the Wall Street Journal or campus publications with updates on places opening up and rates.

What media has been helping you stay busy/stay calm during this difficult time?

Mostly streaming platforms to take me to another place and get my mind off the present. I love finding new shows on Netflix and definitely partake in binge-watching more than I would like to admit.

What lessons have you learned from COVID-19?

I have learned patience and who my close friends are. I have focused on self-discipline and needing to be my own motivator each day. I also try to accept help when I need it and extend grace to others. I have tried to better understand how other people are feeling and accommodate them as well.

Have you learned anything about how you use media and technology because of COVID-19?

I have noticed in the absence of extracurricular activities and places to go, I tend to turn to social media instead. I need to monitor my use as I could sit for hours in my room scrolling through media and wasting the day away. But with all the social movements that have been incited during the pandemic, I have learned it can also be a powerful tool for social change if used correctly.

Interviewed by: ​Sahar Shirbacheh, UCLA 3rd Year Student

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2021, adolescence Yejin Ban 2021, adolescence Yejin Ban

Anna, 14

How do you and your family interact with media and technology?

Lately, the biggest use of technology is using Zoom on the laptop, and my sister and I mostly use Netflix and other social media platforms such as Instagram and TikTok. My parents mostly use technology to watch TV and Korean dramas. We use technology much more than our parents.

How do your parents feel about you using media?

When we were little, they limited our use of technology in terms of time, but now they are open to me using any kind of social media. When I tell my parents that my friends aren’t allowed to use certain platforms, they find it weird because they believe we should be able to use them if we want to. They trust that I’m not doing anything bad, but sometimes they worry that it’ll be a distraction from school.

How do you and your friends interact with media/technology?

My friends and I use TikTok the most. We send each other TikToks, and the screen time is really bad because of it. When I start watching it, it’s hard to stop watching.

Do you have different views towards media use than your parents?

Even though my parents use social media, they don’t view it as something that is necessary. I find it an easy way to interact with my friends. TikTok allows me to see what influencers and other celebrities are doing, and most people I know around me feel that way too.

What is your favorite and least favorite thing about media and technology?

When I’m bored, it’s something that I can do, and I can spend a lot of time on it for entertainment. It’s really fun to see a variety of things. A bad thing I guess is that people get bullied through social media, and it’s kind of hard to prevent it.

Is there anything else you don’t like about social media?

Not really.

Do you think you use the media too much?

Definitely too much, but when I try to limit it, I end up failing. It’s kind of hard to control it.

Have you ever felt the need or want to get away from technology?

Yeah, I thought about it, but I never did it. I think it would be nice, but I never actually tried it.

How did you feel about this interview?

It was interesting to talk about my media use because I never really think about the things you asked me. It made me think a lot about how the media is really affecting me.

Interviewed by: Yejin Ban, UCLA Student

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2021, adolescence Quynh Vo 2021, adolescence Quynh Vo

Joshua, 18

Media Consumption: 10 hours per day (school and leisure)

How are you using media during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Well, it has definitely increased because when I was on campus at UCLA, I would spend most free time hanging out with friends on campus, but now I have to interact with friends through social media — Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat — and my YouTube time has gone up a lot. Just overall an increase in social media use.

How many hours a day do you use digital technology?

I would say a good chunk of my time. Most of my day — at least 10 hours a day on-screen, which includes school and everything else. For school-related activities, at least 6 hours school because I have coding which is online, and I can’t do any of it on paper. For personal use, probably 4 hours.

What are some social media channels that you use? What are their purposes? What are some pros and cons about each?

I am on Instagram a lot. I usually see what people post and what they are up to. But most of the time I’m on TikTok because it’s so addictive. The scrolling option is really addicting. I don’t know if it’s a pro or con but it consumes a lot of my time. More than I would like it to. So I would say probably 3 out of my 4hours — if I spend 4 hours a day — would be on TikTok because you get that addictive scrolling. It’s not the same with Instagram because TikTok allows you to see 6-second videos and you scroll and get hooked on something else again and again. I first got into TikTok at the start of quarantine because I wanted to feel more connected to people. And it's just another outlet to do that.

Do you try to limit your media use? How?

Since I’ve been at home, I know I’ve had too much screen time so I am trying to limit my time for both personal and school use because I do not want to ruin my eyes. Most of the time, I try to cut down my personal use because I can’t help my school-related stuff. I try to cut off my TikTok time as much as I can. On the TikTok app, a guide pops up every so often and says “You’ve been on here for a while. You probably need to get some rest,” which is helpful. I do have notifications on YouTube for if you watch for too long (1 hour) or if it’s your bedtime. For TikTok, I don’t have anything set up, which tells me how much time I’ve been on it. So 3 hours can go by and I wouldn’t notice. So I should probably set up an alarm now that I think about it.

When did you get your first phone? What type of phone was it?

This was back in the day, so I was probably 8-years-old; 2010. It was a BlackBerry. It was one of those that had a wheel on it with the plastic keyboard. So there wasn't much functionality to it. I just played a game where you bounced the ball and hit stuff. I didn’t really contact anyone with it besides my parents because my peers did not have phones at that age. For smartphones, I got my first one in 2013/14. I did more than press plastic keyboards.

How did your parents regulate your technology usage growing up?

Once I came to college, funny enough, they encouraged me to install an app. I forgot what it was called but it basically tracks your location. So wherever I would go, they would monitor where I was at. So I guess they were paranoid of how much freedom I had in college. But before that, in high school, they would monitor messages without me knowing. So I thought that was kind of weird. I don’t think they cared about the content. They didn’t give me murder games but as long as it was within a reasonable range, they won’t care about what I was playing. In terms of screen time, they were responsible parents and limited my screen time when I was on my PS3 or tablet or phone.

Have you been influenced by ads you saw on social media?

I noticed that after I looked something up, they had popped up for that thing I looked up. So whenever I see ads, it's for something that I’ve already seen or looked up so I don’t really pay much attention to them. I actually installed an ad skipper for YouTube. So every time a skip ads button pops up, this ad skipper automatically clicks it so I don’t have to deal with clicking it, so I don’t even watch the ads.

How do you feel about big companies taking your data and feeding it to advertisers?

I think it’s kind of creepy and more annoying than anything. I’ve seen these things and looked it up and it’s just really annoying.

What is your favorite/least favorite thing about media/technology?

I like how many different perspectives I get to see. Not so much from Instagram and Snapchat because the media you consume is based on who you follow. But TikTok is personalized to you in a way that it gives you content that you like but not necessarily [have] seen before. So I like that I get to see a lot of different people that I wouldn’t have otherwise seen because I don’t follow them.

Do you have any thoughts on Facebook?

Before college, I thought that Facebook was only for old people. But now that I’m in college, I realize the importance of it. Because for the Dragon Boat Team, we really utilize all the features such as Facebook messaging, announcements, and discussions. So I like how all of that is intertwined with one another and we could create events on Facebook and send reminders to people. I don’t really use the Facebook platform for anything other than that. But I have been using Facebook messenger a lot more recently. I use it as my main source of communication with people.

What is one thing you want the people who create the media you like to watch/play/interact with to know?

I appreciate those messages that pop up for TikTok. I haven’t put something in my settings where it's like I only want an hour of screen time. So I appreciate those messages from TikTok saying you probably spend too much time on this app and it’s probably time for you to go to bed.

Do you think screentime is bad before going to bed?

I think it might be for some but for me, it's kind of a routine now. It’s my routine so it gets me in the mood to sleep. I try not to let social media dictate sleep, but it often does if I’m hooked on the content. Especially TikTok when it seems like there’s an endless void of content to go through, as opposed to YouTube. When a video ends, after you watched for 40 minutes, you kind of know it’s time for you to go to bed. But for TikTok, there’s no sense of direction or time. So it’s kind of difficult to dictate when I sleep when I am on TikTok, but for other apps, I feel like it’s fine.

When the notification pops up, what do you do?

For YouTube, I know that I’ve been on there for one hour, so I should probably get off, but for TikTok, it doesn’t tell you a certain time. It feels like it's only been 5 minutes. So I feel like I could do it for a little bit more. [With YouTube] usually, I disregard the message, but I do keep it on my mind so I get off a couple of minutes later.

Interviewed by: Quynh Vo, UCLA Student

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2021, adolescence Adela Tran 2021, adolescence Adela Tran

Anna, 13

How do you and your family interact with technology?

We usually watch something together in our parents’ room or sometimes we text on the phone.

On your own time for fun, how do you use digital media?

I watch YouTube, call my friends, and read comics. I call my friends every day from morning until night.

Are there any rules around media use in the house?

On the weekends, mommy makes us start playing only at 9 or 10 in the morning. That is when we are allowed to start. And then we have to stop at 9 or 10 at night to do something else. She tells us to get off our computers and phones, and if we don’t then she will yell at us.

How do you use social media?

I use Discord. I barely use Instagram and Twitter. I use Discord the most to call and text friends. If one of our friends wants to stream their homework for help or stream YouTube or Netflix. I also did Secret Santa. One of my best friends had a bunch of mutuals on Twitter and I was invited and we all gathered together. I was part of the organizing. Everyone filled out a form and everyone had to fill it out to match people depending on what they wanted and what they could make. It was pretty hectic but I got through. It was pretty cool.

How has your media usage changed during the Covid-19 pandemic?

Before I was only on Discord for an hour a day but now I’m on it every day at every hour.

How do you feel about celebrity influencers online?

I only watch them when they pop up on my recommendations. Some of them are kind of problematic. They get into scandals. They’re just people who I watch, not really role models. They say “don’t wear this, it will make you look fat.” It’s sad and mean. All those girls, especially models. You just have to be like them — shave, no body hair, have a thin face, and have all this stuff appearance-wise. It’s sad.

What lessons have you learned from Covid-19?

Be more aware of your surroundings and follow the rules.

Interviewed by: Adela Tran, UCLA Student

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2021, adolescence Daniel Fouladian 2021, adolescence Daniel Fouladian

Michael, 20

 Media Consumption: Around 4-5 Hours a Day

Favorite Media/Technology: Video Games and Twitch

Why do you play video games?

I use video games and streaming to be entertained and feel linked to other people online. Video games link me to my friends and a community of other gamers [people who he does not personally know] where we can chat through the PlayStation app to schedule a time to play multiplayer games. 

What type of content do you play?

Call of Duty Warzone and Rainbow Six Siege. Both of these video game titles are shooter games rated M for mature. Video games have taught me how to socialize. Ever since I was a kid on the PlayStation 3 console, I met and still meet new people every day online.

What do you like about Twitch?

Twitch has helped me learn more about myself. I learned that I am similar to other Twitch viewers as “game lovers” even though I am twenty years old. 

Are there media interferences in your life and what are they?

My smartphone is the biggest distraction of all mankind. Instagram and YouTube are the two main platforms that should be held responsible and punished because I fall in loopholes and lose track of time. I take breaks only to find myself with a bag of Lays chips on my bed, scrolling through ads in my Instagram feed. 

Is your family also affected by the media interferences and how so?

Smartphones in general interfere with my family. Smartphones are a replacement for social interactions during family dinner. Every family member is on their phone; therefore, it is all quiet during dinner.

How has COVID affected your media usage?

I have not been able to see my friends as frequently as before. However, I can still game with them every day. My friends are very important to me and to see my friends less, hurt me. However, video games saved my relationships with my friends and we are able to talk about everything from school to gaming content while playing video games.

Interviewed by: Daniel Fouladian, UCLA 3rd Year Student

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2021, adolescence Rassile Jamaleddine 2021, adolescence Rassile Jamaleddine

Mia, 18

Media Consumption: 2 hours a day (4-5 if not at work)

Favorite Media/Technology: TikTok

How do you and your family interact with media/technology?

We use WhatsApp, since my dad lives far away in Lebanon this is the only way I can speak with him freely. Other than that, none of my siblings live together so we FaceTime and keep in contact mostly through there especially because of COVID.

How do you and your peers interact with media/technology?

We mostly text over iMessage, not as much as we used to talk in high school but that is probably because everyone works now or is busy in college. Oh, we also all use Insta (Instagram), we comment on each other's pictures and support each other on there.

What do you use media for?

I mostly use media to keep in touch with my family, like my dad and siblings. Or occasionally I will drop an Instagram picture to let everybody know I’m still doing well and I still exist, mostly because everyone else is still using that. Snapchat is dead now so I don’t use that and Twitter is something I will occasionally use. Oh, and I watch Netflix a lot - does that count?

What is your favorite/least favorite component of media/technology?

My favorite thing is talking to my family that I otherwise wouldn’t be able to talk to. Also seeing what my friends from high school are up to this past year, and being able to entertain myself on TikTok for hours. My least favorite thing is that it feels like a competition. We are always competing to post the best pictures and see whose life looks the most glamorous. It sounds weird but you kind of want to have the most likes and the most comments, to know people still care or are interested. You also compare yourself on media because since everyone posts their best pictures you only see that side of them and you constantly feel like you’re not good enough. Or maybe that is just me.

What is one thing you want the people who create the media you like to watch/play/interact with to know?

I want the people who create media to know about vulnerable people on their sites. And yeah they aren't responsible for people’s mental health or anything but maybe put some disclaimers? Like younger kids use their sites and it would be helpful to include that not everything is real - or that could be the parents’ job. Maybe they should make the age requirement stricter because you just have to say what year you were born and anyone can do that.

What media are you using more now because of COVID-19?

Because of COVID-19, I stopped going to school so I mostly stay off my computer and only use it for Netflix. On my phone, I use TikTok a lot. Like for hours, but other than that social media is a little toxic so it’s best to just not scroll through Instagram or anything for hours. But TikTok is funny, I am so grateful for it.

Interviewed by: Rassile Jamaleddine, UCLA 4th Year Student

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2021, adolescence Natali Delgadillo 2021, adolescence Natali Delgadillo

Mia, 15

Media Consumption:​ 6 hours a day on phone and computer

Favorite Media/Technology:​ TikTok on her iPhone

How do you and your family interact with media/technology?

Every day my mom uses her Apple Watch to count her steps when she goes on runs and hikes. My dad uses his Alexa as an alarm to wake him up for work every day. I use technology in many ways. I set alarms to remind me to feed my puppy 3 times a day and I watch TikToks when I’m bored. My sister uses technology every day as well by using her laptop for school and she also uses her Apple Watch when going on walks. As a family, we always watch TV in the living room together sometimes.

How do you and your friends interact with media/technology?

My friends and I communicate by Snapchatting each other and sending text messages throughout the day. I also send many TikToks to a lot of my best friends and send funny pictures. We also FaceTime almost once a week by using our phones. We send many snaps to each other almost like a vlog daily about how the day went or what we did that day. With some of my friends, I also have streaks which are when you send a snap — a picture on Snapchat every day — and eventually, you earn a streak.

What is your favorite/least favorite thing about media/technology?

My least favorite thing about media/technology is how toxic it can be at times. Women and men tend to compare themselves to celebrities or social media influencers and that can be a very toxic environment. It can also lead to anxiety and depression, I know this because it has also given me much anxiety seeing other people's better lifestyles and just better appearance which can make your self-esteem very low. I have had a few anxiety attacks because of my appearance and comparing myself. It can also be very exhausting to post pictures on Instagram because of the pressure of the anxiety of everyone looking at your picture and judging you and the amount of life or comments can determine how popular you are to some people and overall it is extremely toxic. I have stopped posting and sometimes deleted Instagram to get less anxiety.

What do you use media for?

I use the media for a lot of things, I like to use Pinterest for room decor ideas. I love YouTubers who promote healthy lifestyles and give mental health advice. I like to watch ASMR youtube videos and breathing exercises when things are stressing me out and I can't sleep. I also use Twitter to catch up on the latest news of everything that is going on. I use TikTok for fun entertainment with quick videos that are very fun. I use Instagram to see what everyone is posting and sometimes can get news about new music or other things. I use Snapchat to communicate with people. It's the same thing as messages but more fun.

How are you using media during the COVID-19 pandemic?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, I use my phone for alarms and entertainment. I also use my computer daily for Zoom and to do homework. I use my TV to watch YouTube videos after school. I also use my Apple Watch when going on runs. I also use my phone to look up Apple News.

What media has been helping you stay busy/calm during this difficult time?

During this difficult time, my Calm app has helped me stay calm and relaxed and although TikTok is a fun app it can also be very helpful. It can reassure that people are going through this as well.

Have you learned anything about how you use media and technology because of COVID?

I never realized how much I rely on it by using technology for alarms or music and because of how much my screen time has increased. It's also made me realize how many hours a day I use my phone and how helpful it can be daily.

What is one thing you want the people who create the media you like to watch/ play/ interact with to know?

I would ask Emma Chamberlain to make more videos on meditation and mindfulness. Her videos help me a lot and I wish she focused more on mental health. I also wish she did more fashion videos because I love her style.

Interviewed by: Natali Delgadillo, UCLA Student

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2021, adolescence Melanie Aghayane 2021, adolescence Melanie Aghayane

Maya, 15

Media Consumption: 7 hours and 48 minutes daily average

At what age did you first start using these devices

I shared an iPad with my sister starting age 5 and got my own iPhone when I was 9.

What are your most-used apps and which is your favorite?

Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat are my favorite. I would say my most favorite is TikTok.

Why is that one your favorite?

The TikTok algorithm brings up videos that have to do with my interest without me even having to search anything. It is a way I have formed some of my favorite friendships. If I meet someone at a party and we make a TikTok together that basically makes us best friends.

Are there any negative parts of TikTok that comes to mind when you think about it?

People like to post videos that have to do with their music taste, clothes, hobbies, or opinions and sometimes this causes a divide among classmates, and cyberbullying is common with the app.

I see Instagram is your second most used app. What can you tell me about your use of it?

I mostly just follow celebrity figures, school friends, animal accounts, and a couple of weight-loss accounts to motivate me.

What do you and your friends usually use Instagram for?

I love the app because it allows me to know what my friends are up to. I mostly just post because if I don’t then people will get bored and unfollow me. I only have two posts right now though because I stared at them for so long that I started thinking I looked weird so I deleted them, and they barely got any likes anyway.

Can you tell me any reasons you have to believe that Instagram can be problematic?

People usually talk behind each other’s backs about their Instagram posts, and a couple of times other students have anonymously made accounts aimed toward posting unwanted pictures or things about other students in the class. Anytime I take a picture my friends force me to delete it, crop them out, or even photoshop them.

Do you ever buy the stuff you see on one of your social media accounts?

Not that much because I have to use my mom’s money to online shop so I can’t do it too much but my friends and I have a few times. Like there is a TikTok dancer named Charli D’Amelio who has a Dunkin Donuts signature drink named after her, and we have all gotten it and posted pictures of it even though I hated the taste of it.

Does social media impact your productivity?

I do spend a lot of time on my phone. I’m pretty addicted to it and I have put settings on TikTok and Instagram so it locks me out after I have used each of them for three hours to try to limit my time on it, but I always end up changing the settings to use the apps again until late at night.

Does the social media you use get monitored in any other way by one of your parents?

My mom used to slightly monitor my phone use when I was 12-13, just to make sure nothing dangerous was going on, but now that I’m in high school my mom does not take part in any kind of monitoring or control of how much I use technology.

Interviewed by: Melanie Aghayane, UCLA 4th Year Student

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2021 Evelyn Xiong 2021 Evelyn Xiong

Audrey, 8

Favorite Media/Technology: Roblox & YouTube

How do you and your family interact with media/technology?

I like how my family always texts each other and I’m able to text my sisters whenever I want. I like to play Roblox with my older sisters and watch scary movies with them.

How do you and your peers interact with media/technology?

A lot of my friends play Roblox so we talk about it during school. I don’t text my friends because we all don’t have our own cell phones. We like to just talk about the games we play in person at school.

What do you use media for?

I like watching YouTube videos like unboxing videos because I want to see how the toys look before I buy them because I will be sad if the toy doesn't look how I imagined. I like watching YouTube prank videos because they’re funny.

What is your favorite/least favorite thing about media/technology?

My favorite thing about technology is Roblox because, in the game, I can dress up my character to whatever I want it to be. I can buy pretty accessories and jewelry to make myself pretty. I can also dress up my character to whatever I want and change the color of my hair to pink. The thing that I don’t like is that sometimes people can be mean online and scam me in Roblox.

What media are you using more now because of the coronavirus (COVID- 19)?


Where do you get most of your information to learn more about the coronavirus (e.g., news, internet, parents, etc.)?

Sometimes on TikTok, there are videos about COVID. But my parents and sister usually tell me about COVID.

What lessons have you learned from COVID-19?

I learned how to use Zoom. Online learning isn’t that fun because I don’t get to see my teacher or friends in person.

Interviewed by: Evelyn Xiong, UCLA 4th Year Student

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2021, adolescence Christian Beltran 2021, adolescence Christian Beltran

Madison, 18

Media Consumption: 4-5 Hours per day

Favorite Media/Technology: TikTok and Instagram 

How do you and your family interact with media/technology?

My family and I use iMessage to communicate, and my mom uses Instagram and Facebook, but my dad doesn’t use any. We used to use an app called Life360 to know each other’s locations, but now we just use Find my Friends since we all have iPhones.

How do you and your peers interact with media/technology?

We all use most of the social media platforms, the most popular being TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram. We always message each other using various apps, but mostly with iMessage. We send each other funny videos and posts all the time through the direct messaging features on the app. Some of the videos and posts are very relatable and bring us small bursts of happiness.

What do you use media for?

Primarily out of boredom, or when we are simply procrastinating schoolwork or other work. It’s a great source of endless entertainment. We don’t really have any other need for it other than communication and staying in touch/contact with our friends/peers.

What is your favorite/least favorite thing about media/technology?

My least favorite thing would definitely be how toxic the social media community is. As funny as it can be at times, there’s also an extreme level of toxicity that exceeds cyberbullying. Some people are so cruel and have no regard for others and it can so sad to read some people’s comments as “trolls” can be ruthless. There’s no way to put a stop to it either which sucks.

What is one thing you want the people who create the media you like to watch/play/interact with to know?

Try and do whatever you can to limit the cyberbullying and trolling online, as it can really be detrimental to the mental health of a lot of users. The internet can turn from a helpful and resourceful place into a toxic one real quick.

What media are you using more now because of the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

Definitely TikTok and some streaming platforms. Boredom has been at an all-time high, so anything to cure that boredom is what I look for, and that includes streaming and binge-watching shows, as well as any funny videos from creators I like.

Where do you get most of your information to learn more about the coronavirus (e.g., news, internet, parents, etc.)?

Honestly, TikTok has a lot of doctors and medical health experts, so they provide a good amount of information, but I also check the news and I make sure not to watch any biased news networks.

What media has been helping you stay busy/calm during this difficult time?

Like I mentioned earlier, TikTok has been great, as well as streaming services like Netflix, Disney+, and Hulu have helped cure a lot of boredom, as well as provided me with mindless entertainment.

What lessons have you learned from COVID-19?

The biggest thing I learned isn’t even media-related, but a huge takeaway I got was to not take any time I spent with my friends and family for granted. I really miss not being able to see or hang out with them a lot, so going forward I will cherish our time together much more.

Have you learned anything about how you use media and technology because of COVID-19?

I didn’t learn much but I realized how difficult it can be to put the phone down, as well as how much control social media has over our lives. We may not realize it but social media has a huge grasp on our daily online interactions, internet usage, and is a pivotal part of our culture. It’ll be interesting to see how it develops over this decade.

Interviewed by: Christian Beltran, UCLA 3rd Year Student

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2021, adolescence Brandon Le 2021, adolescence Brandon Le

Ivan, 17

Media Consumption​: Around 5 hours a day

Favorite Media/Technology: Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok.

How do you and your family interact with media/technology?

Through the social media app Instagram, I sometimes find relatable videos or videos that I would like to share with my mother and/or the rest of my family and it ultimately serves as a bonding experience at times.

How do you and your peers interact with media/technology?

I interact with my peers through social media apps like Instagram and Snapchat, where we send each other funny videos, or news involving what’s going on in our surroundings. It serves as a way to bring us closer together through the videos, or simply to inform ourselves of what’s going on in the world.

What do you use media for?

I use media in order to learn about global and local events, as well as to distract myself with what’s going on in the world around me. It’s a good escape from reality if one can find funny videos online.

What is your favorite/least favorite thing about media/technology?

My favorite thing about social media is how much it can bring people closer together through entertainment. For example, I’m able to bond more with my friends because of funny videos, or through a political discussion based on a post that we find on the internet. However, this very thing that brings people together has the potential to tear people apart because of the dangers of abusing social media.

What is one thing you want the people who create the media you like to watch/play/interact with to know?

One thing I want the people who created social media to understand is the impact of social media on people’s everyday lives. For some people, it is their only form of taking in information, and if their platform is full of conspiracies, it’s ultimately going to cause some sort of danger to society. Additionally, it’s difficult to measure the dangers it poses to young and vulnerable minds.

What media are you using more now because of the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

I’m using Instagram more as a result of the global pandemic because it’s the platform where I have most of my friends on and it’s the most convenient way I have to understand what’s going on in their lives and if they’re doing ok. Additionally, I use Instagram to find information about how the coronavirus is doing on both a national and local scale.

Where do you get most of your information to learn more about the coronavirus?

I get most of my information about the coronavirus from the governors of California and the mayor of LA, as well as from news channels such as CNN and MSNBC.

What media has been helping you stay busy/stay calm during this difficult time?

Through the use of Instagram and discord, I’m able to converse with my friends, sometimes all day long and I find myself being busy and focusing on my relationships with them during this difficult time. Additionally, Tik Tok is a good way to distract me because of how personalized one’s experience is.

What lessons have you learned from COVID-19?

From this pandemic, I’ve learned to not take any experience I have with any person for granted, because we never know when something can change within their lives or our own. I also understood and found a new way to process my emotions that I didn’t have before.

Have you learned anything about how you use media and technology because of COVID-19?

I’ve learned that I have to rely more on media because of the pandemic because I no longer have other people as a new source outlet and have to seek information out on my own.

Interviewedby: Brandon Le, UCLA 3rd Year Transfer Student

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