Teen Speak Out Research Snapshots

This new research series from CSS aims to capture the opinions of adolescents regarding current events through short surveys with research questions pulled from the headlines.

Teens Speak Out Research Snapshot: Young Voters Embrace Post-Racial Politics in a Digital World

Center for Scholars & Storytellers at UCLA (CSS) at UCLA released new research about young people’s perceptions of the 2024 presidential election and American politics. These findings paint a picture of a new political generation — where diversity is normal and being online is key. Click here to learn more.

Teens Speak Out Research Snapshot: Storyteller Insights: Differing Perceptions of Foster Care Portrayals

This research snapshot is based on the findings from a larger research study, in which we surveyed 42 youth, aged 18-26, across California. We examined the differences in how young people with foster care experience and those without foster care experience perceived the accuracy of the depictions of foster care included in Instant Family and other, recently released films that depict the system. Click here to learn more.

Teens Speak Out Research Snapshot: Social Media Regulation

New survey from the Center for Scholars & Storytellers at UCLA finds most teens agree with the Surgeon General’s recent social media advisory, but disagree with new laws. Click here to learn more.